While a deep understanding of cloud computing technologies and over 10 years experience in the IT field are pre-requisites, our materials are totally new and we will train you through instructor videos. You willalso take the classes yourself. All materials will be on our learning management system, and in-class learning will combine online materials with live instruction.
The National We provide support by conducting review webinars for all students everywhere during the weekend. All lab work is designed and graded by us. Each module final exam is online, and is designed, administered and graded by the NCTA. Thus as an instructor, your primary job is to create an immersive, magical learning experience. We are not just looking for PhDs or programmers with great resumes. We are seeking special individuals who are capable of really teaching and reaching our students with enthusiasm.
Student Profile:
NCTA students are looking to be re-tooled for jobs, come from diverse backgrounds, with formal IT training ranging from none on the one extreme to Master's degrees in IT and related fields on the other. NCTA instructors have to be able to handle this wide range of students in stride.
The ideal candidate:
a) has been a faculty at a college or university or has taught corporate training courses in IT or related fields;
b) has strong reviews from 75% of students for at least 3 courses (you will need to mail us the full set of feedback); or
c) is visible on ratemyprofessor.com or similar.
The ideal candidate is sociable, outgoing and loves his or her work!
Working Hours:
You will be teaching one module out of our (currently existing) four modules. The module will have 32 hours of classroom training. Each module spans a month, and starts up again the following month.
The modules meet either with a full day Saturday and then evenings: M/W or Tue/Thu for 3 hours 6:30 - 9:30 PM for 4 weeks or via all-Saturday course.
The class will be taught in computer labs at a University or at a corporate training facility. The Cloud is only gathering momentum, so we anticipate a very long association with our faculty.
1099 contractors, US Citizens or Green Cards only.
If You Are Interested:
Please use the Contact Us link on The NCTA website (www.thencta.com) to draft us a note outlining your interest in teaching a specific module. One of our founding members will contact you shortly.
It would greatly aid our evaluation of your teaching capability to see a YouTube video that establishes your presentation style and approach. So feel free to provide a link if one is available.
We look forward to talking with you about becoming an NCTA faculty member.